Friday, December 11, 2009

How Does Cervical Discharge Looks Like When Pregnant What Does Cervical Discharge Look Like Through Out Your Cycle??

What does cervical discharge look like through out your cycle?? - how does cervical discharge looks like when pregnant

How, when ovulation, just before the time is shortly after the meeting over, and when the flow changes of the cervix, if you are pregnant.
Thank you!


G said...

Evacuation of the cervix can be brown, red, bloody or clear. At this time of ovulation. All green or yellow, has an infection.

Evacuation of the cervix during pregnancy is the same.

xelakann said...

Immediately after the period is generally quite low, or a little sticky as rubber cement. Then, when nearing ovulation, it starts a little creamy, then it will be liquid (if you try to start, if sex is pg aqueous), then right before ovulation, the consistency of the white "egg (the beginning is always assured when They are busy trying to pg, when you see it) ... bam then left to dry before the start of the period. For some people start to have increased the discharge before you start your period or spotting couples. It depends. And anyway ... Some women do not have much discharge before ovulation, while others do not have the exact model shown above, for example, which only Whitey always watery and egg. If you are trying to become pregnant, sometimes green tea works on increasing your fluid. The more fluid that may have little sperm can swim easier.

If you are avoiding pregnancy, not sex or use protection if you notice, creamy-white discharge, liquid or an egg ... even if you think you've already ovulating

When IPG U are, I can speak only for myself ... Yes, it is moist enough to melt lead (hormones mucosa. The stuffy or runny, even),

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